Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'm just figuring out all the bits and pieces that my iPhone can do.... I got it late. I resisted. I knew addiction would be fast coming. Oh and it was. But it's not all bad. Only a few days ago I realized that I can write for my blog from my phone. Wow. Genius. And so here I sit at a coffee shop around the corner from work--not quite ready to embark on the day. But I will. I will face it head on. I will embrace what comes my way. But it's oh so nice to be able to move my fingers over the keyboard first!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012----welcome, welcome, welcome

I've been back at work for 5 months now. I also have a small part time therapy practice. And I have two young girls. Something had to give. I gave. Too much. I gave me----nothing. And therefore I missed the opportunity to show my girls that sometimes we need to make ourselves, our goals, our health----and our joys, a priority.

Juggling around my head I have lists and lists of resolutions. Eat better. Exercise more. Meditate. Write. Cook. Read. Paint. Oh the list goes on and on. But at the core, all of these 'resolutions' have one thing in common. Me. Priority in my own life. It has to happen or I will disappear.